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May 22, 2019

RFID Protection: A Must or Bust?

The BANDI Wear Team 

With BANDI Pocketed Belts, your wallet and credit cards are conveniently at your fingertips, but are they readily accessible to others as well? As the demand of credit cards increases, we’ve been asked the question, “Are BANDI Belts RFID protected”?

Our BANDI belts are constructed with a patented design and will hold all items securely. Although BANDI belts do not provide RFID protection, there are various other alternatives to give you the extra level of security you may be looking for.

But first, what is RFID? 

RFID, radio-frequency identification, in simple terms allows credit card owners to wave their RFID embedded card in front of a payment device to complete a transaction. This action requires no physical contact between the card and the payment device, making transactions quick and easy.  

Unfortunately, if you run into the situation of your credit card information being stolen, there is no concrete way to identify how it was stolen. The likelihood of someone purchasing your information off of a website is significantly greater than an individual sitting in a park secretly scanning your wallet as you walk by. 

With that being said, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to purchasing a RFID protector. It all comes down to user preference. All we can say is it doesn’t hurt to protect yourself from any possible fraudulent activity. Below are some possible solutions to help you steer clear of any issues, all of which fit perfectly in your BANDI belt. 

So, what can I use?  

Options can be found both online and in store from retailers such as Walmart, Amazon or Staples. You can find anything from card sleeves, to phone cases and more.  Each item offers a different use specific to the level of protection and space you like.  

DIYers rejoice! Utilize a common household item!  According to Consumer Reports, wrapping your wallet, cards, or passport in a thick piece of aluminum foil works just as well as most RFID protectors for sale.   

If you still aren’t sure if you want to add a RFID protector, don’t worry. Just know it will fit in your BANDI belt, along with your keys, phone and more!  

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